30 Benett Drive Hove BN3 6UT
Councillor Samer Bagaeen
Hove Park
Stance: Customer made comments neither objecting to or supporting the Planning Application
Comment Reasons:
- Overshadowing
- Residential Amenity
Comment: Having been approached by concerned neighbours and the potential impact on amenities on neighbouring properties, I would be grateful if this is referred to committee if the recommendation is minded to approve. Would also suggest an honest conversation with neighbours if this has not happened.
I have gone back to the neighbour at no who still wants to speak at committee about this. She feels that she has not been listened to and certainly not spoken to by no or their agents.
While it is not my job, or yours, to mediate in neighbour disputes, I would still like this referred to committee so that the neighbour can address councillors directly. She’s been left with no other option.
On my own position, as the ward councillor, I support my resident’s insistence that she speaks to the committee given she has objected. I support her position given that the two properties are close to each other, much more at
the front than the back, and that the designs of the extension for house 30 did not take this proximity into account and therefore would have a detrimental impact on the light and amenity on the rooms adjacent to the development site.